Solar has arrived!

One of three 200W solar panels ready to be installed on Shellerina.
The two others.
Two controllers. One for the bow unit, one for the two going on the stern.
This is what the one up forward will look like. Despite appearances, it misses the hatches. It’ll have its own MPPT controller.
This one aft will have a second one just like it along side and just aft of it. Antennas will have to move. People 6 feet tall will have to duck coming up the stairs.
These two will be wired in series, and share their controller. The radar mast can still be lowered and it’ll miss the panels.
Shelly shows off the final configuration.

We still can lower the radar mast if necessary, and we have not lost our sun deck space!
A teak frame built above the starboard railings are what we attached the PV panels to. is the manufacturer of these nice cast and polished stainless steel railing clamps. Rockland Maine.

All the final mountings of the two aft panels have been completed with the help of our dear friend Linda Klein. We forgot to take pics with her. So we hope to make up for that tomorrow.

No loss of use of the sun deck. We still can lower the Radar mast

Brackets for the forward panel were cemented to the deck this morning. After 24 hours the 3M 5200 quick cure should allow me to attach that panel to the deck/brackets. Wire was “fished” for aft and forward panels, again, with Linda’s help. With luck the solar controllers will be mounted and wired up in the a.m.

Up forward too.
A bit more mounting hardware was added for longevity, as shown below.
Good friend, Linda Klein came to assist with the installation. Thank you Linda!
We also got a chance to jump into warm 77F ocean water here in Maine, and have some of the local fare. ($4.99 / pound!!!). Uncommon numbers in both cases.
$4.99 # Lobsta!

Addendum Tuesday Aug 2:

After work, I finished hooking up all the wiring in the engine room then connected things up at the aft panels. The aft two panels started producing right away, even at 5:30pm.

Two aft panels are now feeding the system! 75-130W even late in the day!

It was too dark by the time I finished the forward panel. We’ll see what time it kicks in in the a.m. Very exciting. This should make anchoring out easier and more economical.

There is still “clean up” and “finishing touches” on some of the wiring to give everything a professionally done appearance. But functionally it is all working and so far, everything tests out great.

Tomorrow, I can’t wait to move the 12vdc fridge circuit over to the Port Bank… the one which these solar panels charge.

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